Exploration Maps and Resources
Nevada Mineral Explorer Website
This web application was developed as a tool for explorationists to identify and discover mineral resources throughout Nevada. Data in this web application are organized by category (upper right-hand side of map). Each category is indicated with a different symbol, which are outlined below.
This web application was created by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology and Nevada Division of Minerals.
C.L.A.I.M.S. Claims Location Array Interactive Map Service
This is a platform for exploring and downloading Mining Claims, Plan, and Notice GIS data. Unpatented mining claims, plans and notices are presented in this map on a per section basis for Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. All maps are interactive with feature pop-ups designed to guide the user to the appropriate places to view data and run queries. The user can also add their own data to the map. This website is new and it is anticipated that it will be improved upon as time allows. The developer is donating time to keep the site up and going, so updates will be as time allows, but it is our goal to update the data at least once a month.
This web application was created by Lucia Patterson and is sponsored by New Frontier Drilling.
Lithium in Nevada--Origins, Extent, Role in the Energy Transition, and Implications for Economic Development and National Security
Lithium is critical to the ongoing transition from fossil fuels to low- and zero-carbon-dioxide (CO2) energy produced from renewable resources. The current dependence of the U.S. on foreign sources of lithium and on the batteries needed to power electric and hybrid vehicles, grid-scale electric storage for solar and wind renewable energy, computers, cell phones, and many other high-tech devices is a national security and economic concern. This report outlines the origin and extent of Nevada's lithium resources as well as its potential role in the energy transition and the implications of these resources for economic development and national security. Nevada is unique in the U.S. in that it contains all aspects of the lithium supply chain, including large mineral deposits formed by numerous geological processes. This means that Nevada is ideally suited to supply the lithium required not only by lithium ion battery manufacturing within the state but also potentially elsewhere in the U.S., representing a potentially secure domestic source of the raw material required for the lithium economy. Secure, domestic sources of lithium are most likely to be derived from the already known and characterized deposits in Nevada, especially given that Nevada currently has the largest lithium reserves and resources of any U.S. state. The potential for discovery of more lithium mineralization in Nevada is also growing, as research and exploration enables us to better understand the processes that form lithium sources, transport lithium, and facilitate the formation of lithium deposits. The economic security of the U.S. and Nevada lithium-ion battery industries as well as associated economic sectors will require significant development of lithium supply and refining capacity. This is also vital for future developments given the current rapid expansion of U.S. battery manufacturing capacity. The information outlined in this report strongly suggests that the growing U.S. lithium-ion battery sector is best served by the development of secure domestic lithium supply chains from plentiful mineral resources within Nevada.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG), 2024.
NBMG 2023/24 Survey of Nevada's Mineral and Energy Exploration Industry Survey
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in partnership with the Nevada Division of Minerals conducted a survey of companies actively exploring for minerals and energy resources in Nevada in 2023 and 2024. Such surveys are conducted biennially to coincide with Nevada’s legislative session and serve to gauge exploration activities and assess the economic impacts of exploration, including expenditures and employment. Exploration-related expenditures and employment reported here are minimum estimates. Survey results are published in Nevada Mineral and Energy Resource Exploration Survey 2023/2024, available from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at www.nbmg.unr.edu.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG), 2025.
2023 Nevada Active Mines and Energy Producers Map
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in partnership with the Nevada Division of Minerals annually produces a map of the major producing mines and energy producers across the State of Nevada.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 2024.
2022 Nevada Active Mines and Energy Producers Map
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in partnership with the Nevada Division of Minerals annually produces a map of the major producing mines and energy producers across the State of Nevada.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 2023.
NBMG 2021/22 Survey of Nevada's Mineral and Energy Exploration Industry Survey
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in partnership with the Nevada Division of Minerals conducted a survey of companies actively exploring for minerals and energy resources in Nevada in 2021 and 2022. Such surveys are conducted biennially to coincide with Nevada’s legislative session and serve to gauge exploration activities and assess the economic impacts of exploration, including expenditures and employment. Exploration-related expenditures and employment reported here are minimum estimates. Survey results are published in Nevada Mineral and Energy Resource Exploration Survey 2021/2022, available from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at www.nbmg.unr.edu.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG), 2023.
NBMG 2021/22 Survey of Nevada's Mineral and Energy Exploration Industry Flyer
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in partnership with the Nevada Division of Minerals conducted a survey of companies actively exploring for minerals and energy resources in Nevada in 2021 and 2022. This publication is a one-page flyer highlighting the results of the survey. Such surveys are conducted biennially to coincide with Nevada’s legislative session and serve to gauge exploration activities and assess the economic impacts of exploration, including expenditures and employment. Exploration-related expenditures and employment reported here are minimum estimates. Survey results are published in Nevada Mineral and Energy Resource Exploration Survey 2021/2022, available from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at www.nbmg.unr.edu.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG), 2023.
National Map of Focus Areas for Potential Critical Mineral Resources in the United States (Feb. 2023)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) launched the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) to modernize the surface and subsurface geologic mapping of the United States, with a focus on identifying areas that may have the potential to contain critical mineral resources.
U.S. Geological Survey, Feb. 2023.
NBMG 2019/20 Survey of Nevada's Mineral and Energy Exploration Industry Survey
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in partnership with the Nevada Division of Minerals conducted a survey of companies actively exploring for minerals and energy resources in Nevada in 2019 and 2020. Such surveys are conducted biennially to coincide with Nevada’s legislative session and serve to gauge exploration activities and assess the economic impacts of exploration, including expenditures and
employment. Exploration-related expenditures and employment reported here are minimum estimates. Survey results are published in Nevada Mineral and Energy Resource Exploration Survey 2019/2020, available from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at www.nbmg.unr.edu.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
NBMG Gold and Silver Resources in Nevada
Gold and Silver Resources in Nevada; Davis, Tingley and Muntean, 2006. NBMG Map 149.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
NBMG Geologic Map of Nevada
Geologic Map of Nevada; Stewart, John H. and Carlson, John E., 1978. (1:500,000 scale)
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
NBMG Zinc Deposits and Occurrences in Nevada
NBMG Zinc Deposits and Occurrences in Nevada; Jones, Richard B., 1984. NBMG Map 85.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
NBMG Map of Lead Deposits and Occurrences in Nevada
Map showing the distribution of lead deposits and occurrences in Nevada; Jones, Richard B., 1983. NBMG Map 78.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
NBMG Map of Molybdenum Deposits and Occurrences in Nevada
Map showing the distribution of molybdenum deposits and occurrences in Nevada; Schilling, John H., 1980. NBMG Map 66.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
NBMG Map of Porphyry Copper Deposits and Occurrences in Nevada
Map showing the distribution of porphyry copper deposits and occurrences in Nevada; Wendt, Clancy J. and Albino, George V., 1992. NBMG Map 43.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
Topographic Map of Nevada (1:500,000)
Topographic map of the state of Nevada at 1:500,000 scale.
Published by the U.S. Geological Society.
NBMG Nevada Geothermal Resources Map
Map showing geothermal resources, power plants and direct use applications, 2010. NBMG Map 161.
Published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)